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Lo-TEK: Reclaiming Indigenous Techniques to Work with Nature

June 7, 2022 Belén Maiztegui 0

“Indigenous technologies are not lost or forgotten, only hidden by the shadow of progress in the most remote places on Earth”. In her book Lo-TEK: design by radical indigenism, Julia Watson proposes to revalue the techniques of construction, production, cultivation and extraction carried out by diverse remote populations who, generation after generation, have managed to keep alive ancestral cultural practices integrated with nature, with a low environmental cost and simple execution. While modern societies tried to conquer nature in the name of progress, these indigenous cultures worked in collaboration with nature, understanding ecosystems and species cycles to articulate their architecture into an integrated and symbiotically interconnected whole.

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Brick Houses in Argentina: 15 Examples Exploring Pattern and Design

May 3, 2022 Belén Maiztegui 0

Brick has positioned itself as one of the materials that characterise and identify Argentinean and Latin American architectural culture. The diversity and versatility of masonry in our region have given rise to great heterogeneity in its uses and applications: structural walls, partitions, enclosures, screens, envelopes, skins, roofs, vaults, domes and floors allow us to visualise the great adaptability of this material in order to adapt to the particular requirements of each project.

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Leonmarcial’s Installation at the Venice Biennale 2021 Celebrates the Dialogue Between Architecture and the Environment

September 7, 2021 Belén Maiztegui 0

Peruvian architectural firm leonmarcial arquitectos has been invited to take part of the 17th Venice Architecture Biennale with an installation at the Arsenale as part of the “As New Households” exhibition space. Titled Interwoven, the installation encourages the action of sharing and celebrates the exchange between homes and their environments through architecture.

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Aerial Photography of Houses in Ecuador: Visualizing a Building From Above

August 9, 2021 Belén Maiztegui 0

Capturing aerial photographs allows raising awareness of a project feature usually complex to capture using traditional methods. Based on the technological opportunities offered by small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly called drones, architecture photographers have begun to explore new ways of capturing a project in order to expose design decisions such as implantation, dialogue with the environment, or the relationship with nearby buildings.

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Architecture of Transitions: BAAG’s Installation for the 2021 Venice Biennale

July 16, 2021 Belén Maiztegui 0

Can architecture foster better relationships between people, creating an equalized and respectful use of space? Can tools be designed that strengthen the bonds between humans and objects? BAAG (Buenos Aires Arquitectura Grupal) studio explores the architectural elements that mediate between people and objects, the natural and artificial, public and private, individual and collective, and humans and other living things.

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Flocking Tejas: BASE Studio’s Exhibit for the Venice Biennale 2021

July 15, 2021 Belén Maiztegui 0

How does systemic thinking and generative design contribute to new forms of convivence? Can they become tools to connect tradition and identity in a modern way? Can they help to design customizable architectural strategies that offer locally accessible solutions? Can they contribute to the creation of dignified spatial experiences that can be replicated on a mass scale?